Hello guys! Is there any nostalgic feeling in you that wants you to
turn on the old song from your childhood? Some similar tunes to get
the same vibe? When I found Freebee and their self-titled album it
took me back to the times when euro pop ruled. Freebe was a band from
Sweden and that is pretty enigmatic in the Internet (barely any info
I can find about them). So without too much background I listened
their album. What strikes me hard at the start that their sound is
pure 90s. There was a need for this kind of music and their feel that
gap. And Sweden had a long lasting success with releasing bands that
conquered Europe with their music, just to mentioned Army of Lovers
or Ace of Base. And especially similarity to that second band you can
find on most of the tracks on Freebe.
I’m assuming it’s
had the same production group (but can’t find a solid info abut it
so don’t take my word for granted!). But apart from that, Freebee
group added
some more authenticity.
Some songs like “Stay with me” and “Home Sweet Home” bring
slower tempo with
more meaningful
lyrics. These
type of songs
create a romantic vibes so maybe it will be something new for your
Rest songs keep this
AoB feeling
but they are so well produced
that you could easily
mix up which some
from Ace of Base or from Freebee! I especially
like song “True”. It
keeps nice up beat tempo. Catchy
lyrics, that you can sing all along. Song is simple and short and
that is all what I wanted from this
genre. “Heaven” is another song that caught my attention. More
aggressive kick and synth lead give this
track a proper dance capability.
With more and more songs on this
album I can definitely
Sweden had a massive potential on this
field and had some great producers that kept
genre alive for many years (and with popular music it is not an easy
task!). “Looking for an
Angel” brings very familiar Casio
sound. Once more we can find some chorus that stays in your head for
a long, long time. What is great about this album is that you can
keep it playing in
the background
and helps you go through
the day. No need to focus too much on it to take what is the best
from it. “Keep (hold on to me)” is another song in line with
I could easily
(but in positive way) this
track with Ace of Base. For me is a happy accident!
Conclusion: Glad that I’ve
Freebee. As it’s
not a groundbreaking record but
a filler that adds a couple of song to my nostalgic
90’s pop playlist (and yes, I have one!). For everyone who never
had a chance
to spend time with this
pop sub-genre, it is a good start. I hope you become nostalgic
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